Live Updates
Live update the story page to highlight players submitting moves, as well as what challenges they selected. Also to show the finished move once done. I sat on the page for 5 minutes, not knowing I'd have to refresh.
AdminStephen Hood (Co-founder, Storium) commented
FYI, parts of this will be in the initial Gamma launch, with more to come as we progress!
Graf commented
Awesome! Totally agree.
(is there a +10 votes somewhere?) -
Anonymous commented
I agree. On Facebook, there's a feature in which it indicates the other party is 'typing.' That way, you know someone is 'making a move,' so to say. I like the alert system or anything else the powers that be can come up with so situations do not collide.
Tony commented
Raphael diSanto commented
I actually made a thread about this too, haha :)
Adam Simmons commented
It also ties in with this thread / comments:
Anonymous commented
I agree with this. I've spent quite a bit of effort thinking up a post for the solution to a challenge, only to have my hard work and time be for nothing. Posting in the comments as difficult as well as there is no real-time indication of that either
Anonymous commented
For now, it's fairy easy to just post a comment that you're typing. People have generally respected that in my games.
Lyle Janney commented
Perhaps this type of turn 'mutex' could be controlled in an historical fashion that is actually tied to story-telling?
Lyle Janney commented
Perhaps this type of turn 'mutex' could be controlled in an historical fashion that is actually tied to story-telling?
Brian Tkatch commented
Mentioned here: with more votes and comments. (thanx toddsme!)
Perhaps we can consolidated the votes there.
RottenRenee commented
I really like the idea of calling dibs on the challenge you are about to fulfill; it would be AWESOME for there to be a hold put on that for other players, just so they have a visual that you are currently typing something up. I was SO frustrated this evening when I typed out my move, including finishing a challenge and its outcome, just to have to rewrite the whole thing.
Nathan commented
I really like this idea. I have been into a post when a player has made a comment in the sidebar that suggests they are about to post something and I've been like "Wait!". Just a little icon next to the character's image (like the iPhone or Facebook's three dots perhaps) would be enough for my purposes, though Mr Cat also makes a good suggestion about the time frame of a post.
Raphael diSanto commented
Mocked up a little screenshot of what I thought this might look like
The messages could read -
"Another player has responded while you were typing"
"The Narrator has closed the scene"
"The challenge has been completed" (for things related to challenges)
"The Narrator has responded"
"The Asset card has been taken by another player"That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are other events that could trigger this kind of real-time alert.
Raphael diSanto commented
I think this has wider connotations. Overall, Storium needs a regular AJAX polling system to keep players up to date with what's going on in the game in real time, without waiting for email.
Rebecca K. commented
Steven R, I really like that idea. that is a very creative and a very considerate way of doing it. Much more likely to be "up to date" or "accurate", maybe, for those of us with slower internet.
Jay Roy commented
Following up, but an italicized list in small font right beneath the Chapter 1, Scene 1 and above the banner seems to be a pretty good place for this.
Something as such:
Syndl (editing), Calephi (reading), Oberon (reading)
PK Levine commented
Please! And pop up warnings -- if Player A has started a move, and Player B tries to start one, the system should warn B that A is in the middle of a move.
Right now it's more like "who can type the fastest?" which can be problematic. I've just barely started here and I've already had one "move collision" where we narrated radically different things happening (and ended up playing 8 cards on a 7-card challenge).
AlwaysAPrice commented
This might be a suggestion unto itself but since it's addressing the same essential concern of letting other people know when you're working up a post, I've put my votes in here. I would settle for players simply having the ability to post one "dibs" per Scene, just an auto-post stating "This player is currently composing a move." and locking in the cards they intend to play. Wouldn't actually prevent anyone from posting if they want to, but just lets the rest of the players know "hey give me a minute with this one plz". If they don't complete their move within an hour, the placeholder expires.
PK Levine commented
I agree completely. Another option, which is more complex but might be more useful, would be a Facebook-like code (JS? HTML5?) that instead of literally "refreshing" the page, automatically inserts updates *and* changes the TITLE of the page from, say, "Storium" to "Storium (2)" to show that two updates have happened.
Either way -- I dislike that being in a fast-moving game means constantly clicking on the Refresh button to see if someone's taken a turn. (I actually missed a scene ending, recently, despite being at my computer!)