1033 results found
Narrator Choice option for who assumes control after a challenge
Many times, one player will have played more cards, made more compelling posts, or had a more character-centric interest or effect on the outcome of a challenge than some other players.
However, as it stands, the player who plays the last card will always get to control the way the challenge is resolved, leading to "ebay sniping" style play in many games where everyone tries to hold out and be the last person to play a card on a challenge. This is bollocks.
While it wouldn't work for all games, I'd love to see a setting where the Narrator decides…
16 votes -
View character info by clicking on the avatar/name on a move
In a large scene, it would be useful to be able to access character info by simply clicking on the person's character image/name on one of their moves. This would be a very useful shortcut rather than having to scroll all the way up.
16 votes -
Personal Image LIbrary / Reuse Images
I know there's a global image library planned but it would be nice to be able to upload images to a personal library for reuse. I've just uploaded an image 6 times in a row to apply it to some asset cards. Being able to shortcut that would be great :)
15 votes -
Allow the narrator to fix stalled games
I've got a game that's stalled out because one player has stopped playing entirely. I can't save the game for the other players because the scene can't progress without that player's cards. I don't have the ability to edit the challenge requirements, or to boot players, so the game is ruined for everyone.
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Show if a story you are reading is also looking for members
Several stories appear on the looking for members page, but have already begun. When you go to read them, there is no indication that they are still looking for members, and no easy way to join. You have to go back to the other list and find the story again. It is a lot of back and forth.
15 votes -
List of Features Ideas
Hello there,
I've kicked the tires and made a couple videos highlighting the great features.
There are a couple of features (mostly options) missing that I hope you'll add soon.
The ability to let Narrators allow Players to create scenes; or grant this on a Player-by-Player basis. Maybe I like the writing style/chops of a Player and want to make them my Lietenant and let them help me run things.
The ability to Create More than one Scene at a Time (running simultaneously) This would allow for side exposition, or even the exploration of flashbacks while not beholden to the…
15 votes -
Get rid of automated prompts & "hey there speedy" message.
The system right now applies pressures that it really shouldn't to players. There are times when some players will need to be gone for RL issues, and having the system pester them will create stress and avoidance in the pestered player. There are other times when one player is looking to catch up with the action, and the system shouldn't discourage them from doing so. The narrator can politely ask for speed adjustments if they need to, having an automated system to nag and/or discourage them isn't a good idea.
15 votes -
Suggestion re: licensing
I'd like to suggest adding the ability to filter games by license.
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let players spectate for certain scenes
So, this is more a comment in 4+ player games, but I'm in a 2-player game right now for which it's also relevant.
It's not always reasonable that each character will be in every scene, but right now there's no way to handle that except for people to willfully refrain from participating.
That works kind of, but it doesn't alter the available currency for the narrator in the scene. (Or rather, when the "you're spending more challenge points than the players can resolve" message pops up.)
Also, it can be easy to forget when folks are deliberately spectating.
So I…
14 votes -
Add "jump to" buttons
Pretty simple. I see 4 buttons total...
Jump to: the most recent move
Jump to: my last move
Jump to: end of commentary
Jump to: my last comment
These are the places you need to quickly go, a lot. Your most recent move/comment so you can read past it, and to the end, so you can post.
14 votes -
Allow narrators to play more challenges than the players can tackle
I was looking to use some challenges for the PCs, more than they could actually tackle in a scene, to give them a choice on what type of path they found interesting to follow. There were several factions, for instance, and the way they played cards would show how they decided to draw their attention.
I could see it being a problem for narrators looking to screw over their players, but it could be an interesting tool to allow narrators who want to give a bit of sandbox to their players.
14 votes -
Edit Log
Add a way for users to see WHAT was edited in abother user's edit, be it to a character, move, etc. Users could more easily tell if an edit fixed a typo or made an actual difference to the plot.
14 votes -
Is there a way to edit or delete a comment?
Sometimes, after I put in a comment, I realize the comment was either unnecessary or unclear. I would like to be able to either revise or delete it. Is there a way to do that?
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Add "for" to your "tag as 18+" pop up prompt
Hey all,
Your pop up prompt on "tag as 18+" is missing the word "for".
It should read "... or themes inappropriate FOR people under ..."
14 votes -
Ability to publish worlds
Guessing this is already planned, but having the ability to publish a world that you've made and browsing other narrators' published worlds would be awesome. I know worlds aren't really that complicated, so might be this idea is a waste, but who knows what you might be inspired to do after seeing other peoples' world ideas.
13 votesYes, this is coming in the future, along with even more world functionality — ready-to-play characters, example game ideas, and backstory content!
Allow Goal cards to be played outside of Challenges.
Our group has received a number of goal cards. Many of those goals are "downtime" type activities; but there are few logical challenges to be set during downtimes. It would be good to be able to play Goal cards in a scene - perhaps limited to one goal card per character per scene, outside of any challenges, to indicate active work towards accomplishing the goal.
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Clarify Winning Control
I'm finding my players are forgetting to narrate for NPCs or obstacles when they win control. These are story gamers that have no problem narrating beyond their characters, so I think they just don't think about it and need some additional prompting when they are given the narrative control.
I would suggest that when a player wins control the screen they get to enter narration be split into two parts - what they did and what the result was. Then require text in both fields in order to submit.
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Home Screen Shows Games with Recent Activity
The home screen's static list of Games You're Running and Games You're Playing is less than helpful.
It would much, much more useful if the games were listed in order of most recent activity. Bonus if you can highlight or otherwise indicate that there has been activity on this game since I last viewed its page. That way, when I come to I can see at a glance what games need my attention.
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create narrator's notebook
A place where narrator's can write notes to themselves and the like. Creating worlds needs space!
13 votes -
Separate game description from character requirements
Right now, narrators have to use the game description box not only to describe the world, but also to tell players what kinds of characters to make, what tone the game will have, and any additional notes (like, "keep it in 3rd person" or "no swearing" or "will only update on weeknight evenings"). There should be a separate place for meta-notes about the game--or at least a cut tag, so that a long description with character details doesn't require scrolling past a screen and a half of text.
13 votes
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